Our Automotive Technology Platforms
Cirrus Paint-free Colour™
Paint processes tend to be energy intensive (baking processes, thermal oxidation), GHG intensive (drying and natural gas oxidiser-use) and environmental emission problem areas.
Auto paint shops have often seen fires, and exceedances of paint particulate emissions limits, resulting in fines from regulators.
Our paint-free colour system offers nano-structural surface colouring at ambient temperature, without the air-borne emissions.
Cirrus Lustre
Our patented Cirrus Lustre™ pure white anodizing chemistry for aluminium applies an eco-safe, REACh compliant process to achieve a hard, chemical resistant, bright white anodized surface on a wide range of aluminium alloys. Watch the video
Cirrus Hybrid™
Cirrus Hybrid™ is a patented family of coating systems for light metal alloy and 3D- printed components, specifically aluminium, magnesium, and titanium, that is 75% thinner, lighter and 5x more energy efficient to apply than competing systems.
Cirrus Mg Defender™
Mg Defender™ improves the corrosion resistance and durability of Mg alloys with a sustainable, low cost advanced surface coating.
Until recently, the wider use of Mg alloys has been limited by their susceptibility to corrosion.
Cirrus Guardian™ PEO
Cirrus Guardian™ PEO is an enhanced plasma electrolytic oxidation technology that offers a non-toxic, scalable, cost-effective process to coat light metals such as magnesium, aluminium and titanium using a single bath formulation.
The Guardian™ PEO process consumes less than 12 W·h/micron/dm2 to produce durable, corrosion-resistant coatings on Mg, Al, and Ti alloys. The electrolyte is composed of eco-safe benign chemicals with low waste management costs and minimal environmental impact.